welcome to momenta.

it's the third edition of momenta, this time on the subject: protest. momenta is a project to compile interviews of people doing exciting things with their time. they are individuals and groups making brave, strange, romantic and thoughtful choices.

this time momenta comes in three parts all discussing protest. there'll be different styles, different philosophies, and different goals. part one is an interview with the hamburg-based group LIGNA, which put on a radioballett in leipzig last spring to protest the privatization of public space. their interview has been going on, via e-mail from about august until february. they have been generous and thorough with their responses and help. many thanks.

if you have comments, questions, critiques please feel free to express them in the guestbook (linked below) or send an email to sarahfal@yahoo.com. joining the mailing list means that i'll update you on upcoming editions, but that's all, i promise.

thanks for stopping by.

title: the sun
location: leipzig